6 comments on “Фото Львова від alexei.tv

  1. друга і остання точно не жахливі)мені ці дві найбільше сподобалися)

  2. Hello, I took these four photos 🙂 Thanks, Electric, for posting them. I think I can see why Ruslik doesn't like them: they don't focus on the beauty of the city. I am criticised for this very often. But there are thousands of other photos (e.g. on Flickr) that do this very well. To me, what makes Lviv different from other European cities is that its state of dilapidation exposes its history very vividly, and this is part of Lviv's unique character, whether you like it or not 🙂 Having said that, I also love the city centre: http://is.gd/dWjfS Cheers!

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